April 2016 - September 2019
Phd (Mathematics) - University of Freiburg
My thesis topic was to investigate the existence of stable, closed geodesics in Calabi-Yau manifolds equipped with their Ricci-flat metrics. More specifically, on a Kummer K3 surface with a Ricci-flat metric close to the orbifold limit. Supervisors: Nadine Große & Katrin Wendland.
August 2011 - June 2012 & August 2014 - June 2015
MSc (Mathematics) - University of Oslo
Master of science (Mathematics). My thesis topic was to study the obstructions to the existence of a vector bundle morphism with prescribed determinant. Supervisor: John Rognes.
August 2012 - June 2014
MSc (Physics) - University of Oslo
Master of Science (Physics). My thesis topic was to investigate the use of (heterotic) string theory in cosmology. Supervisor: Øyvind Grön
August 2008 - June 2011
BSc (Physics) - University of Oslo
Bachelor of science with an emphasis on physics. Also included more maths subjects than necessary.