Projects & Papers
Ongoing Projects
Geodesics under metric degeneration. We study the behaviour of the geodesics as a Riemannian metric degenerates to a conical or cuspidal metric. Joint with Daniel Grieser.
Non-compact examples of Ricci-flat metrics. We are trying to find more Ricci-flat metrics using Calabi's construction. This will be joint with Roger Bielawski.
Constructing Quaternion-Kähler manifolds. We are trying to construct more examples of complete quaternion-Kähler manifold, for instance by resolutions of orbifolds. Joint with Lothar Schiemanowski.
Papers and Preprints
Stable geodesics on a K3 surface (unpublished PhD thesis).
Geodesics on a K3 Surface near the Orbifold Limit. This is an extension and a summary of my PhD thesis.
Geodesics Orbiting a Singularity. Joint with Daniel Grieser.
Convergence of the Yamabe flow on singular spaces with positive Yamabe constant (accepted for publication by Tohoku Mathematical Journal). Joint with Gilles Carron and Boris Vertman.
A detailed look at the Calabi-Eguchi-Hanson spaces (preprint).
Long-time existence of Yamabe flow on singular spaces with positive Yamabe constant. Joint with Boris Vertman.
Analytic torsion for fibred boundary metrics and conic degeneration. Joint with Boris Vertman.
Generalized Yamabe Flows (preprint). Joint with Boris Vertman and Mannaim Gennaro Vitti.